To Introduce, Captivate, and Entertain people through countless adventures of the imagination and the Endless Worlds of Troll Lord Games.

Endless Worlds is Troll Lord Games’ official worldwide program for organized roleplaying games within the host of products we publish for gamemasters and players alike. Designed to bring folks together, Endless Worlds connects people that enjoy playing tabletop RPGs under the TLG banner.
The Goal: By promoting good play and interaction for TLG, we can increase our GM and player base as well as growing content, resources and even public events around what we all love.

Endless Worlds Organized Play Benefits:

  • Exclusive Events, Tournaments, Contests etc. – Attending members can win awards and prizes.
  • Quarterly newsletter covering many subjects such as news, tips, TLG events, exclusive promotions, upcoming conventions, etc.
  • Gaming Resources Library for GMs and players alike.
  • Official Endless Worlds Discord - Our online hub for members to meet each other, chat about games, receive help and support for events and also to play games with each other!
  • Events page for registration and promotion of your events.
  • Private & Public Channels for Gaming – Campaigns, One Shots, PbP, etc.
  • Exclusive content developed for members only.
  • GM Reward Program – Run games and earn points to use in our store and redeem exclusive items.

How Endless Worlds Works:

We need GMs to run public gaming events, whether it’s a festival or convention, library or a local game store etc., most public venues will work as long the event meets the programs qualifications.

For an event to qualify it must meet the following criteria:

  • The event must be hosted publicly for play and/or viewable to the public.
  • The Event must be related to a TLG product such as one of our adventures, one of our official settings or one of our SIEGE Engine games such as Castles & Crusades, Amazing Adventures etc.

Simply submit a qualifying event, and once it is approved, you can begin advertising your event wherever you like (especially our community groups) for players and viewership. As you run games, you earn XP (Experience Points) towards “leveling up” which ultimately earns you bonus loyalty points that can be used in the TLG Web store, including the private swag page just for GMs. Please keep in mind that domestic (inside the US) orders shipping costs are covered so they are free. If you are International (outside of the US), shipping costs are not covered and you must pay them.

Getting Started & Running Your First Event:

Follow these steps to become a member and host your first Endless Worlds Event!

  1. Set up your email registration for emails on updates and information (events, sales and rewards etc.) from the program HERE.
  2. Submit your first event to start your rewards membership setup and validation.
  3. Once it is approved you will receive an email with further instructions (basically, you click a link, purchase and download (It's free) the Endless Worlds Code of Conduct, that not only sets you up an account on our web store (which you will need to access rewards and other membership features) but also gives us verification that you have received the document.
  4. That’s it! Once you have completed those steps, your store account and full membership will be manually activated and you will receive an email confirmation. This can take up to 7 days from the time of submittal since it is a manual activation.

PLEASE NOTE: As you submit your qualifying to event, try to supply good information (including online links) within your event submission. With these links, others (like TLG) can help to promote your event to gain more players and viewers (especially for a live streamed game) as well as help verify the event for qualification.

Earning Rewards:

Once your event is completed, PLEASE submit an EW Session Log Sheet for your event so that it can be verified and you can gain experience points for your hard work! This Log Sheet can be found in your TLG store account under "My Account" then "My Membership", just click the link and submit!

Every Quarter we will tally up everyone's games ran, and award them XP. As you progress up the EW GM XP CHART you will gain levels and just like player characters do in your games. When you level up, you will gain new store credit at that time.

For any problems or questions, as always please email us here.

Organized Play over the years...

We have a wonderful community of GMs!