Running C&C at Virtuacon

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Running C&C at Virtuacon

Post by DMSamuel »

I'm running two tables of C&C at VirtuaCon in October.

VirtuaCon is an online convention hosted/organized by RPG Geek. This is the second year that RPGGeek is doing this convention - they are doing a great job and have lots of prize support from RPG publishers. Yes, they have prizes for GMs (and I think players too). Virtuacon runs from 16:00 (UTC) October 10th until 22:00 (UTC) October 12th, 2014. Friday, Saturday and Sunday are their days of operation and will be slotting games and events around the clock. You can find more information about the con here: VirtuaCon Info page

Anyway - just thought I would throw out some information here so that you are all aware that another online convention is available. Here is a link to the info entry for my game: Castles & Crusades Game Slot Info. I'm running a portion of Rising Knight - I consider it a good, if not great, introduction to C&C for new players.

Here's a taste of the call to adventure I posted:

Valiant Warriors Needed!
The good people of Malforten are in need of brave warriors. We are beset by a raiding clan of bandits whose evil leader demands tribute. The Lords of New Aenoch have guaranteed a bounty of 250 gold to the first to bring back the head of Gritznak the Bold. Gold is not the only reward! Fame and Fortune are surely to follow the courageous band that relieves us of our troubles.
~Inquire of Eryl the Hoskin at The Empty Flagon, Malforten, West Way from Hrueset, East March
Website: RPG Musings

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